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In the Strategic Phase players take turns activating their units and manoeuvre them on the battlefield. A unit can perform several actions like moving, using ranged attacks, or using other abilities like spells.


All unit types have a movement allowance that determines how far they can move during one activation. See Unit Types for a full list. A unit can move on the battlefield in two ways; Advancing and Pivoting.

To make an Advance, move a unit straight forward. If it comes into contact with another unit or impassable terrain it stops. The movement cost of an Advance is equal to the number of inches moved.

Pivoting is used to turn a unit to a new facing. To Pivot, rotate a unit up to 45° around it’s center point. Each pivot has a movement cost depending on Unit Type. For example, an Infantry unit rotating 10° makes 1 pivot, costing 1 movement. A Cavalry unit pivoting 180° makes 4 pivots costing 2 each, for a total of 8 movement.

When a unit is activated it can string togheter Advances and Pivots in any order, with a movement cost up to it’s movement allowance.


Some terrain features like Forests or Swamps are considered Difficult Terrain. Any unit starting it’s activation in or entering Difficult Terrain lose 2 points of movement allowance. If a unit has less than 2 movement left, it can not enter Difficult Terrain!

Ranged Attacks

If a unit has a ranged attack available it can use it once at any point during it’s activation. To use a ranged attack first select a target that is within range and LoS, then roll a Ranged Attack Roll. The defending player rolls a Damage Save against succesful hits and removes any casualties.

A Ranged Attact Roll is performed by rolling a D6 for each model in the unit making a ranged attack. Any roll of 4+ is a succesful hit with the following modifiers:

Unit Skill Chance to hit increases by one for each point of Skill over 3 and decreases by one for each point of skill under 3.
Long Range Ranged Attacks have a maximum range, units outside of that range can’t be targeted. Targets that are further away than half the maximum range are considered at Long Range and have a -1 penalty to be hit.

Rally Fleeing Units

A fleeing unit that has not been activated this turn can be activated as normal, but can only perform one action; a Rally. To rally a unit, roll a Discipline Test. On a succesfull roll the unit rallies and is no longer considered fleeing.

At the end of the Strategic Phase, any unit still fleeing must make a Flight Move towards the nearest table edge.