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In the Combat Phase units that have charged or remain in base contact from previous turns fight in deadly meelee combat. Engagaments are resolved one by one, casualties removed, and Break Tests are rolled to see if the losers stick around or turn tail and run.

Resolve Engagements

Each grouping of two or more units in base contact is considered an Engagement.

Engagements are resolved one by one by taking the following steps:

  1. All units in the engagement attack opponents in base contact. Attacks happen simultaneously. The attacking unit makes an Attack Roll, then the defending unit makes a Damage Save for each succesfull attack.
  2. Remove casualties and calculate Combat Score
  3. Roll Break Tests and move fleeing units.

Attack Roll

Each model in an engaged in the front or side makes an Attack Roll. Models engaged in the rear can not attack! The Attacks stat of the unit determines how many dice to roll.

Example: This unit of X is engaged in the front and is five models wide. X has 1 Attack on it’s unit stats, so it rolls five d6 for it’s Attack Roll

To determine if an Attack Roll is succesfull you compare the attackers and defenders Skill stat.

Higher Skill If the attacking unit has higher Skill, a result of 3+ (3 or higher) is succesfull.
Equal or lower If the attacking unit has equal or lower Skill, a result of 4+ (4 or higher) is succesfull.

A model can only attack once per combat phase. If a unit is engaged in multiple sides, models will prioritize attacking to the front, then sides, then rear.

Supporting Attacks

If a unit is engaged in the front, models in the second rank can make Supporting Attacks. Add only one Attack Roll per supporting model regardless of the units Attack stat. Supporting Attacks are never made to the sides or rear.

Damage Save

The defending player rolls a Damage Save for each succesfull attack. The defending unit suffers one wound for each failed save.

To determine if a Damage Save is succesfull you compare the attackers Power to the defenders Defense.

Higher Power If the attacking unit has higher Power, a result of 5+ (5 or higher) is succesfull. If the difference is more than 2, a result of 6+ is required!
Equal Power If Power and Defense are equal, a result of 4+ (4 or higher) is succesfull.
Lower Power If the attacking unit has lower Power, a result of 3+ (3 or higher) is succesfull. If the difference is more than 2, a result of 2+ is enough!

Combat Score

When all units in an engagement has attacked you calculate the Combat Score for each player. The total combat score is made up of the following:

Wounds One point for each wound caused.
Flank Bonus One Point for each unit engaging in the flank.
Rear Bonus One point for each unit engaged in the rear.

While adding this up you can also remove all casualties from each unit.

Break Tests

The side with the highest Combat Score wins, and all units on the loosing side rolls a Discipline Test.
A succes is under or equal to the units Discipline plus Rank Bonus, minus the difference in combat score.

Fleeing Units

Any unit that fails it’s Discipline Test immediately makes a Flight Move move away from combat.